A true pioneer, the first to believe in the potential of Armenia’s wine on a world stage and determined to put Armenia on a very high level from the very start, for over a decade Zorik, together with his wife Yeraz, focused on reviving the dormant wine industry of the country.
He started planting and teaching locals how to work the vineyards while at the same time instilling the idea to the people that Armenia could produce, not only excellent wines, but also unique wines from its native grape varieties debunking the general mind-set of winegrowers at the time that Armenia should follow the path of international varietals.
A diasporan Armenian, who grew up in Italy and turned his back on a successful career in fashion in order to return to his ancestral homeland, Gharibian has played a pivotal role in helping shape and influence the evolution of the country’s wine industry.
With ZORAH he has set the standards and shown others the huge potential of Armenian wine on a world stage and in so doing has helped open the doors to a wave of new investments in the country.